7 research outputs found

    Identification of Statistical Distribution Type by Sample Data

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    The present paper provides a full description of a software implementation of a system for statistical distributions. Such a system is almost indispensable in many simulation applications where the factors incorporated adhere to a specific non-normal distribution. The realization is developed as a software library that can be integrated in different other applications. There is also the possibility for additional theoretical distribution types to be added

    A Review of Possible EEG Markers of Abstraction, Attentiveness and Memorisation in Cyber-Physical Systems for Special Education

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    [EN]Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) for special education rely on effective mental and brain processing during the lesson, performed with the assistance of humanoid robots. The improved diagnostic ability of the CPS is a prerogative of the system for efficient technological support of the pedagogical process. The article focuses on the available knowledge of possible EEG markers of abstraction, attentiveness, and memorisation (in some cases combined with eye tracking) related to predicting effective mental and brain processing during the lesson. The role of processing abstraction is emphasised as the learning mechanism, which is given priority over the other mechanisms by the cognitive system. The main markers in focus are P1, N170, Novelty P3, RewP, N400, and P600. The description of the effects is accompanied by the analysis of some implications for the design of novel educational scenarios in inclusive classes.The presented research received funding from the EC for project CybSPEED,. 777720, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017; the Bulgarian Research Fund project,. KP-06-H42/4 (2020-2023); and the project Competence Center "Intelligent mechatronic, eco-and energy saving systems and technologies". BG05M2OP0011.002-0023, OP Science and Education for Smart Growth (2014-2020)

    Когнитивни аспекти на киберфизичните системи за педагогическа рехабилитация: към подход "НТИИМ" в приобщаващото образование

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    The paper presents the main ideas, motivating two ongoing research projects, justifying the need to move to STEAM education. The proposed novel type of cyber-physical systems - for pedagogical rehabilitation in inclusive education - is outlined. The role of puppet theatre in maximising the learning outcomes in inclusive education is substantiated. It has been also shown that integrating game, puppet theatre and social robotics is beneficiary in the classroom. Social robots have a significant potential for transition of the cognitive analysis of the behaviour of humans and robots from the physical to the social level. This is the core of the proposed in the paper approach for the STEAM education of the future.Изследването е частично финансирано от проект CybSPEED на ЕК № 777720, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 (2017-2022), проект “Дигитална достъпност за хора със специални потребности: методология, концептуални модели и иновативни екосистеми” на ФНИ №КП-06-Н42/4 (2020-2023) и проект: Център за компетентност "Интелигентни мехатронни, eко- и енергоспестяващи системи и технологии" № BG05M2OP001-1.002-0023, ОП “Наука и образование за интелигентен растеж” (2014-2020)

    Аспекти на вътрешната мотивация като фактори на достъпността в приобщаващото "STEAM" образование

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    The paper presents the current development of the proposed by the authors approach to defining digital and e-learning accessibility for effective pedagogical rehabilitation of learners with special learning needs. A novel aspect – intrinsic accessibility – is proposed as complementary to the previously identified extrinsic aspects of accessibility – institutional, informational and cultural. The intrinsic aspects of accessibility – lack of skills, knowledge, or motivation – influence the process of pedagogical rehabilitation of children with special learning needs. Two different pedagogical scenarios implementing educational robots are discussed in a STEAM context.Изказваме своята благодарност към екипа на МЦ „Деца с проблеми в развитието” гр. София за дългогодишната ни съвместна работа и по-специално на д-р Даниела Миланова и г-жа Снежина Михайлова. Настоящата изследователска работа е частично подкрепена от Националния научен фонд на България за научен проект „Дигитална достъпност за хора със специални потребности: методология, концептуални модели и иновативни екосистеми“, № KP-06-N42/4, 08.12.2020 г.; ЕК за проект CybSPEED, № 777720, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 и ОП Наука и образование за интелигентен растеж (2014-2020) за проект Център по компетентност „Интелигентни мехатронни, еко- и енергоспестяващи системи и технологии“ № BG05M2OP002- 0023

    Digital Accessibility for People with Special Needs: Conceptual Models and Innovative Ecosystems

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    Digital technologies in present day interconnect globally, providing a dynamic environment to support the educational needs of any learner within a novel technological ecosystem. The paper discusses the identified aspects of providing relevant digital accessibility to learners with various needs by this ecosystem, such as sensor support, knowledge provision from a variety of digital and non-digital repositories, and support to the motivation of the learner to acquire better knowledge in the classroom, museum, or in rehabilitation. A novel tool for assessment of such technological ecosystems, called Accessibility Barometer, is described.</p